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Join WNY PRISM for a 2-hour workshop focused on adaptive management and post-treatment data collection!

We’ll talk about useful metrics to help improve invasive species management efforts while reviewing projects focused on long-term management of invasive species using manual, mechanical and chemical treatment methods, and integrated pest management strategies. We’ll also get to see long-term management in action during the outdoor portion. The information presented will help attendees update management plans, improve project budgeting, and increase management success.

This workshop will offer the following NYS pesticide credits: 1.5 credits in categories 2, 3a and 10, and 0.5 core credits. To receive credits, you must register at least 24 hours before the workshop, show up early to sign in, bring your applicators license and attend the entire workshop.

Register Here

Questions? Email wnyprism@buffalostate.edu or call (716) 878-4708.