The WNY PRISM Crew Assistance Program improves invasive species management across the region by assisting partners with invasive species surveys and mapping, invasive species removal, habitat management and restoration projects. We work alongside our partners to accomplish priority projects they would be otherwise be unable to do alone.
Great Lakes Center, SAMC 319
SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222
(716) 878.4708
WNY PRISM’s Crew Assistance Program was established to help improve invasive species management across the region by assisting partners with priority projects involving invasive species surveys, removal, and habitat restoration. It offers valuable opportunities for partners to work alongside WNY PRISM’s experienced staff and trained seasonal crew to learn about invasive species management and gain experience implementing management strategies and using removal methods and equipment. Since 2016, WNY PRISM has worked with 36 different partners to complete 111 projects.
WNY PRISM is currently accepting proposals for the 2025 Crew Assistance Program! To learn more about the Crew Assistance Program including proposal requirements, eligibility, priorities and review criteria, please view the full WNY PRISM Crew Assistance Program 2025 Request for Proposals (RFP). Be sure to read through the entire RFP as it provides necessary information and instructions to support your proposal. We ask that partners reach out with any questions before the finalized project proposal is submitted. Applications that do not include all the required proposal components may not be considered. For more information, see the WNY PRISM Crew Assistance Program Frequently Asked Questions. You can also read about some of our past projects below! Questions may be submitted to Brittany Hernon, Terrestrial Program Manager at Proposals must be received by 5:00 PM on Friday, January 31, 2025.
WNY PRISM staff is always available to discuss invasive species management projects and assist with management planning. We’d love to hear from you!
Crew Assistance Program Project Examples
Oak Orchard Wildlife Management Area – Invasive Species Removal
In 2022 the WNY PRISM Crew (Crew) worked with the DEC to treat invasive shrubs in 2.89 acres of forest and 2.43 acres of field. The invasive species targeted for treatment were honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.), autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata), multi-flora rose (Rosa multiflora) and common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica). DEC staff were on hand to run chainsaws and brushcutters to remove the invasive shrubs, while the Crew piled the cut material and applied herbicide to the cut stumps.
The DEC continued invasive shrub treatment in the area in 2023, performing some follow-up foliar treatments in areas WNY PRISM worked in, and worked with the National Wild Turkey Federation to treat an additional 2.5 acres. DEC staff and volunteers also planted native tree and shrub species in the area in spring of 2024, and placed protective cages over native trees that naturally grew back in areas where invasive species were treated. In the summer of 2024, the Crew returned to work alongside the DEC, to expand on invasive shrub treatment on site, and together we were able to carry out cut stump treatment in 3.93 acres.
This project demonstrated the importance of working together to achieve invasive species management goals and also provided the Crew with an opportunity to network with professionals in the field and learn about future internship and employment opportunities.
Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve – Habitat Management and Restoration
In 2021, the Crew assisted Reinstein Woods staff and volunteers with Phragmites treatment and restoration efforts within a site that had been managed since 2016. Management efforts had progressed to a stage where native plant communities could be restored and used to help build resilience against future invasive species. Reinstein Woods staff helped to prepare the site for treatment by mowing the Phragmites ahead of management efforts. This allowed the Crew to more effectively treat the Phragmites by improving site access and allowing the Phragmites to be treated at a more manageable height.
Reinstein Woods staff and volunteers worked alongside the Crew to construct deer exclosures within the restoration area, to protect the native plants from herbivory. Reinstein Woods staff had drafted a list of proposed native plants that can tolerate moist soils and withstand flooding in the area, which WNY PRISM reviewed and provided feedback on. Reinstein Woods purchased the native plants and obtained all supplies necessary for the exclosures, and helped shuttle everything, including all of the Crew’s equipment and lunches, to the restoration site.
This project demonstrated the importance of long-term management that includes restoration to prevent new invasive species from moving into a site and to increase native biodiversity. It also provided the Crew with an opportunity to see restoration in action, since our work is heavily focused on invasive species removal. Photos of the Crew and a description of the work was posted to Reinstein Woods social media accounts to show the public the importance of invasive species management and restoration.
Craneridge Association – Invasive Species Survey and Mapping, Followed by Removal
The Craneridge Homeowners Association, a community of 165 homes located in Southern Erie County, is working diligently to remove invasive species and plant native species to support a healthy community-wide ecosystem. As part of this effort, the Crew conducted an invasive species inventory survey of the neighborhood to identify and map invasive species present on site in 2021. During the survey, the Crew was able to work alongside the Craneridge community members to share knowledge of invasive species and learn more about the project site and why community members are interested in improving the habitat. The information from the survey was uploaded to iMapInvasives, so the Craneridge residents can access the data, and survey maps were provided.
In 2022 and 2023, the Craneridge Homeowners Association used the information from the inventory survey and management recommendations to submit proposals focused on invasive species removal. In 2022, the Crew removed invasive shrubs alongside members of the Craneridge community who were interested in learning more about Best Management Practices. The work was carried out in the shared spaces of the community, and homeowners could then use what they learned to remove invasive species on their own properties. In 2023, the Crew carried out follow up treatment of invasive shrubs and implemented Phragmites removal. The multi-year project allowed the Crew to collect post-treatment monitoring data to assess success on site.
WNY PRISM’s work was just one part of a larger effort. The Craneridge Woodlands & Habitat Committee has carried out hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) surveys on site, and when the species was found, they hired a contractor to treat hemlocks and prevent further spread of this invasive species. Craneridge community members have also planted locally sourced native trees in areas where invasive species management took place and are in the process of obtaining native seed to fill in areas after additional removal efforts. Since 2021, all told, this caring community has planted over 250 native trees and shrubs and installed three native perennial gardens, which are home to over 30 different native plant species.
Franklin Gulf County Park – Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Survey and Site Assessment
The Crew assisted the Erie County Bureau of Forestry by collecting hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) data at Franklin Gulf County Park. In 2022 the NYS Hemlock Initiative released silver flies (Leucotaraxis spp.), a biocontrol agent for HWA. In 2023, the Crew conduct an in-depth site assessment of the hemlock stands on site to help with prioritization of future HWA management efforts. The Crew surveyed 356 acres of hemlock stands throughout Franklin Gulf.
The Crew used the Survey123 iMap Forest Pest Data Collection Tool for the site assessment, since this is tailored to forest pest surveys. The Crew delineated hemlock stands in the park, and for each stand collected data including presence or absence of HWA, average HWA density, percent of trees infested with HWA, live crown ratio and crown density. Maps were created to assist with stand prioritization for future management efforts. This data will help Erie County determine which stands are a priority for pesticide treatment, and also help the NYS Hemlock Initiative determine future biocontrol release sites within the park.