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Great Lakes Center, SAMC 319
SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222

(716) 878.4708


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Community science is the process by which the public contributes to data collection efforts that help advance scientific work. The WNY PRISM Community Science Program was established in 2020 with the goal to encourage the public to get involved with collecting data on invasive species presence and distribution or monitoring for new species. This effort not only increases public awareness of invasive species but expands regional capacity to address invasive species issues!

How does participating in community science help?

Our community scientists have contributed towards addressing invasive species issues in several ways! Examples include:

  • Data collected as part of the Trail Survey Program was used to provide recommendations to the Town of Tonawanda for prioritization of invasive plant species detected along the Tonawanda Rails to Trails and included Best Management Practices for treatment of identified species.
  • Data collected as part of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) Hunters Program contributed to the release of biological control agents at Franklin Gulf and Sprague Brook County Parks in Erie County.
  • Trap monitoring conducted as part of the Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) Monitoring Program has supported statewide efforts to track and respond to SLF’s spread, increasing the likelihood that new infestations in the region would be detected early.

How do I decide which program is right for me?

Read about WNY PRISM’s and our partners’ community science programs, and what is involved by visiting each program’s page:

Are there other ways that I can get involved?

Yes! If you observe an invasive species, submit a report using the iMapInvasives app (on your phone or tablet), or by using the iMapInvasives online map interface. This data is incorporated into an online database and can help organizations better manage invasive species across the region. Learn more at: https://www.wnyprism.org/invasive-species/report-an-invasive/.

Also, you can join in on our volunteer workdays to help remove priority invasive species from important conservation areas and gain species identification and removal skills! For more information about upcoming events, check out our Events Calendar!