WNY PRISM works on many exciting projects throughout the region and beyond! Learn more about how WNY PRISM increases invasive species awareness and improves management by taking a look at these great projects.
Great Lakes Center, SAMC 319
SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222
(716) 878.4708
Crew Assistance Program
The Crew Assistance Program offers valuable opportunities for partners who can work alongside WNY PRISM’s experienced staff to learn invasive species identification, how to use various survey and monitoring tools, to gain experience with removal methods, strategies and equipment, and learn about prioritization and adaptive management strategies that can be used to increase the effectiveness of invasive species management. In some cases, we’re simply able to provide a few extra hands to help move partner projects to a stage that is easier for them to handle moving forward.

Great Lakes Slender False Brome Working Group
Slender false brome (Brachypodium sylvaticum) is an invasive species of grass that has recently established within the WNY PRISM region and Great Lakes Basin. This species has demonstrated the ability to establish quickly and form dense populations, to the near complete exclusion of native species, making it a top priority. The Great Lakes Slender False Brome Working Group was created to improve the understanding and management of B. sylvaticum by bringing together a dedicated group of partners and stakeholders. WNY PRISM is currently conducting field surveys to determine the presence and distribution of this species across the region, and is conducting research to identify best management practices.

Watercraft Inspection Program
Our Watercraft Inspection Program began in 2018 with 2 Boat Stewards. This year, we are pleased to expand this number to 20! Boat stewards perform voluntary watercraft inspections to remove visible aquatic plants and animals from all types of watercraft at boat launches. This helps prevent the transport and spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) both into and out of western New York. These programs are voluntary, and boaters do not have to participate if they choose not to. The inspections are easy and conducted quickly to ensure the boater does not miss much time enjoying the water.