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Aquatic Invasive Species Workshop

Aquatic Invasive Species Workshop

Saturday, September 25, 2021 ~ 10:00am – 12:00pm Join WNY PRISM for a practical workshop on aquatic invasive plant identification, designed for private landowners and general recreationists. The workshop will show you how to identify many different types of...

2021 Field Notes: Bemus Pointe Boat Launch

By Nate Beard, Boat Steward COVID-19 has introduced some challenges for WNY PRISM’s Watercraft Inspection Steward Program with regards to stewards being able to safely communicate with boaters, but through taking the necessary precautions we have been able to continue...
Invasive Species Mapping Challenge

Invasive Species Mapping Challenge

Invasive Species Mapping Challenge Thursday, July 5, marks the beginning of the 2018 Invasive Species Mapping Challenge! Now through July 19, you can report the presence or absence of the jumping worm (Amynthas spp. andMetaphire spp.) and water chestnut (trapa...
Water Chestnut Removal at Jamestown Audubon

Water Chestnut Removal at Jamestown Audubon

Wiping Out Water Chestnut – We’re leaving this Pest in the Past! European water chestnut (Trapa natans) was first detected at the Jamestown Audubon Community Nature Center (ACNC) in 2008. This invasive plant outcompetes native, aquatic vegetation, shades the pond...