WNY PRISM is currently seeking project proposals for consideration under the 2021 WNY PRISM Crew Assistance Program!
To assist with invasive species management activities within the 8-county WNY PRISM region, the WNY PRISM Crew (Crew) is available to work with partners on new and ongoing management projects. The Crew works June through September and consists of trained Invasive Species Management Assistants (3). Eligible activities fall into two primary work areas: invasive species surveys & mapping and invasive species removal & habitat restoration.
For more information on the Crew Assistance Program including project proposal requirements, eligibility and review criteria, view the 2021 Crew Assistance Program Announcement. Be sure to read through the entire program announcement as our application process has changed. We ask that partners reach out with any questions before the finalized project proposal is submitted. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Questions may be submitted to Lucy Nuessle, WNY PRISM Terrestrial Projects Manager at nuessllm@buffalostate.edu or 716-880-6151.
All requests must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, January 29, 2021 to be considered for Crew assistance in 2021.