Two Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator Positions Available with NYSDEC
The DEC is currently recruiting Region 7 and Region 9 Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinators who will work in collaboration with the regional PRISMs. The positions represent a partnership between NYSWRI and the Invasive Species Coordination Section (ISCS) of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Lands and Forests. Major efforts include: prevention, early detection, facilitating responses, coordinating control and management projects at large-scales, coordinating and collaborating on research projects, remaining current on invasive species detection and management techniques.
The AIS Coordinator will work throughout NYSDEC Region 7 (Syracuse) or Region 9 (Buffalo), be housed at DEC offices within the Region, and work alongside DEC staff. ISCS will work closely with NYSWRI to provide guidance, oversight, and support for the AIS Coordinators along with a weekly work plan.
Region 7 AIS Coordinator position: Apply here.
Region 9 AIS Coordinator position: Apply here.