WNY PRISM Fall Partner Meeting is being held on Thursday, October 5, 2017 from 9:00 – 11:00 am.
Please join WNY PRISM and our Partners for our Fall Partner Meeting! We will welcome guest presenters to discuss this summer’s PUSH Blue worker training program and the Silo City/Buffalo River Restoration, and USFWS Early Detection Monitoring and Management Strategies. In addition, WNY PRISM will be reviewing the 2017 Field Season and providing News and Updates from across the region. Please bring any outreach materials you have to distribute to Partners throughout the region! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!
Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center
1101 Casey Road, Basom, NY 14013
9:00 am – 11:00 am
On the Program:
WNY PRISM News, Updates, and 2017 Field Season Highlights
PUSH Blue Stewardship Worker Training Program
Presented by Joshua Smith, Landscape Manager of PUSH Buffalo’s Green Development Zone.
Josh will discuss the Buffalo River restoration project at Silo City, which led to the planting of hundreds of native species. This project also served as an environmental stewardship/job training opportunity for participants and highlights restoration in an urban setting.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Early Detection Monitoring and Management
Presented by Marcus Rosten, Biological Science Technician, Aquatic Invasive Species, USFWS.
Marcus will present on the surveillance program of USFWS, involving eDNA technology which monitors for invasive species, and the adaptive management strategies that follow.