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NYS 2nd Annual Invasive Species Awareness Week – July 12 – 18, 2015

Groups across western New York are sponsoring activities July 12-18 during the New York State’s second annual Invasive Species Awareness Week. Some of the greatest harm to our environment and agriculture is caused by invasive plants and animals—organisms that have been accidentally or intentionally introduced to new areas and spread uncontrollably. Invasive Species Awareness Week promotes opportunities for citizens to learn about the most threatening species and ways to prevent and manage their spread. Everyone is encouraged to participate in Awareness Week activities to learn about important steps to take to protect their favorite natural areas. This year’s theme is Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants.

The line-up of events in the western New York includes an array of interactive activities such as weed wrenching removal of bush honeysuckle at Kenneglenn Nature Preserve, a Community First Detector Invasive Pest Detection Workshop in Fredonia, an Education Display at the East Aurora Farmer’s Market, and a Native Plant and Habitat Restoration Tour. The full schedule of statewide events is online at http://nyis.info/blog

ISAW Flyer – WNY 2015

Many organizations are working together throughout the state to slow the spread of invasive species. “Stop the Invasion. Protect New York from Invasive Species,” is the state’s new slogan. Citizens can help by: 1) taking measures to prevent the transport of unwanted “hitchhiking” plants and animals, 2) learning about which invasive species are of local concern, 3) reporting sightings to http://www.nyimapinvasives.org/report-an-invasive.

ISAW Events Photo