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The WNY PRISM Spring Partner Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 12, 2018 at Reservoir State Park. WNY PRISM Partner Meetings are a great way to learn about and get involved with regional invasive species efforts. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!


The Partner Meeting will now take place at Reservoir State Park Winter Pavilion/Warming Room

Reservoir State Park, 5480 Old Military Road, Lewiston, NY 14092


WNY PRISM Spring Partner Meeting Flier – updated with venue change

Featured Presentation:  Niagara Gorge Restoration Project and Site Tour

Presented by Dave Spiering, Conservation Project Manager

Niagara River Gorge. Photo Credit: Andrea Locke, WNY PRISM.

Niagara River Gorge. Photo Credit: Andrea Locke, WNY PRISM.

The Western New York Land Conservancy is working on a multiple year project of invasive species control and ecological restoration on state-owned lands in the Niagara Gorge. Work includes extensive control of woody invasive species such as Norway maple and bush honeysuckles, as well as herbaceous species such as Phragmites. The goal of invasive species control is to improve conditions for the diverse native vegetation that occurs in many areas of the Niagara Gorge or to create suitable conditions for planting of native species including some plants grown from locally collected seed.

After the presentation, we will drive the short distance down Whirlpool Street to a parking lot at Ontario Street beneath the Robert Moses Parkway overpass. There is trail head and stairs leading into the Gorge where we will be able to see restoration efforts in progress. There is also a good overlook a short walk on the rim where you can get a sense of the scale of the project.

WNY PRISM: 2018 Field Season and Early Detection Program

Presented by Andrea Locke, Coordinator

WNY PRISM will share news and updates from around the state and region, and present on new and continuing projects that will be part of the upcoming field season. Information will also be presented on WNY PRISM’s early detection program, focusing on response efforts for new early detection reports.

Education and Outreach Materials Exchange

WNY PRISM is asking attendees to bring education and outreach materials to share with Partners. Items may include copies to distribute, those in development for which you would like feedback, or those you would just like Partners to know are available.


WNY PRISM Spring Partner Meeting

Thursday, April 12, 2018

1:00 – 3:30 pm

(Niagara Gorge Restoration Project Site Tour will begin ~2:30pm)

Reservoir State Park

5480 Old Military Road

Lewiston, NY 14092


WNY PRISM's 2016 Fall Partner Meeting, held at Woodlawn Beach State Park. Photo Credit: WNY PRISM

WNY PRISM’s 2016 Fall Partner Meeting, held at Woodlawn Beach State Park. Photo Credit: WNY PRISM