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SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222

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Elm Zigzag Sawfly

Elm Zigzag Sawfly

Aproceros leucopoda

The elm zigzag sawfly is still in the early detection phase in North America. Please report all sightings of elm zigzag sawfly through iMapInvasives, to help determine the distribution of this species, ahead of any management efforts. Since most elm trees can recover from elm zigzag sawfly defoliation events, control may not be necessary, and research into management options is ongoing.

Floating primrose willow has five-petaled yellow flowers that are produced on stalks.
Floating Primrose Willow

Floating Primrose Willow

Ludwigia peploides ssp. glabrescens

Floating primrose willow is an aquatic perennial species that floats on water or sprawls along mud in wet environments. It is one of WNY PRISM's approaching region priority species. Keep a lookout!

Red swamp crayfish can walk over several miles on land.
Red Swamp Crayfish

Red Swamp Crayfish

Procambarus clarkii

Red swamp crayfish are crustaceans that are dark red in color and grow to 2-5 inches in length. The plates on the body of the red swamp crayfish touch on the center of its back distinguishing from the native white river crayfish.