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Photo by Shawn Good, Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bugwood.org


Alosa pseudoharengus

Alewife is a species of ocean herring with a bluish-grey to olive back with silvery sides. The body is wide, narrows at the belly, and averages 6” in length. They have large eyes, a prominent black spot near the gill cover, and a forked fin.

Photo by U.S. Geological Survey Archive, U.S. Geological Survey, Bugwood.org
Asian Clam

Asian Clam

Corbicula fluminea

Asian clam is a freshwater bivalve mollusk. The outside shells are yellow-green to brown with elevated concentric rings. If the color chips away, white spots can be seen underneath. The inside of the shells may be light purple. Adults are small, usually less than 1 1/2" in length.

Bighead Carp, (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), close up, Photo by John Lyons/Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources
Bighead Carp

Bighead Carp

Hypophthalmichthys nobilis

The bighead carp is a large, narrow fish with eyes that project downward. The body coloration is dark gray, fading to white toward the underside, with dark blotches on the sides.

Bloody Red Shrimp (Hemimysis anomala) Photo Credit: NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab
Bloody Red Shrimp

Bloody Red Shrimp

Hemimysis anomala

The bloody red shrimp are translucent ivory-yellow in color, and exhibit bright red to reddish-orange coloring around the head and tail. The threat to the Great Lakes is currently not well understood.

Photo by Robert Vidéki, Doronicum Kft., Bugwood.org
Brazilian Elodea

Brazilian Elodea

Egeria densa

Brazilian elodea is a submerged perennial that looks similar to american waterweed (Elodea canadensis), a common native aquatic plant. Brazilian elodea has finely-toothed leaves that are bright green, bushy, and are usually arranged in whorls of four around the stem. The plant has round stems that can grow in water up to 20 ft. deep and often branches near the surface. It reproduces via plant fragmentation.

Photo by Graves Lovell, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bugwood.org
Brittle Naiad

Brittle Naiad

Najas minor

Brittle naiad is an herbaceous annual that grows in dense clusters. Its leaves have visible serrations and are long, pointed and oppositely arranged on highly branched stems. The plant can reproduce from stem fragments, or from small seeds which grow along its stem.

Carolina Fanwort

Carolina Fanwort

Cabomba caroliniana

Carolina fanwort forms extremely dense stands that clog drainage systems and waterways, interfering with recreational activities. Dense stands also negatively impact native biodiversity.

Photo by Kristian Peters
Curly-leaf Pondweed

Curly-leaf Pondweed

Potamogeton crispus

Curly-leaf pondweed is a submerged perennial that resembles many native pondweeds. Care must be taken to correctly identify this species. Rigid, reddish-green, oblong leaves have distinct, finely-toothed, wavy edges. The plant's flat, reddish-brown stem grows from 1-16 ft. Most reproduction is from winter buds, called turions.

Photo by Meghan Johnstone, APIPP
European Frog-bit

European Frog-bit

Hydrocharis morsus-ranae

European frog-bit is a free-floating, short-lived perennial. The leaves are leathery and round with undersides that may be dark purple. Flowers are white with yellow centers, and bloom in the summer.

Photo by Igor Grigorovich, Bugwood.org
Fishhook Waterflea

Fishhook Waterflea

Cercopagis bengoi

Fishhook waterfleas are tiny crustaceans less than 1/2" long with long, sharp, barbed tails. The fishhook waterfleas have a slender spine and prominent S-shaped loop on the tail. Fishhook waterfleas collect in gelatinous globs on fishing equipment and lines.

Floating primrose willow has five-petaled yellow flowers that are produced on stalks.
Floating Primrose Willow

Floating Primrose Willow

Ludwigia peploides ssp. glabrescens

Floating primrose willow is an aquatic perennial species that floats on water or sprawls along mud in wet environments. It is one of WNY PRISM's approaching region priority species. Keep a lookout!